Menlo Tools for Project Change Log

Here you can find notes and change logs of all Menlo Tools for Project updates.

Latest Version

Changelog for v0.1.25 – Released 9th of August 2024

  • Added the ‘Link Selected Tasks where the Name Contains’ tool under ‘Logic Tools’, this tool will prompt you for a text input, then scan through the tasks in your active selection and link any tasks in sequence if their Names contain that text input.
  • Added two tools under ‘Information Tools’:
    • ‘Add Critical Revision Entry’
    • ‘Remove Critical Revision Entry’
      Respectively these allow you to input the identifier for a given Critical Revision and either add or remove it from the text that is present on the Critical Revision (Text26) field.
  • Revised some button names to make them more intuitive:

Changelog for v0.1.24 – Released 31st of July 2024


Changelog for v0.1.23 – Released 26th of July 2024


Changelog for v0.1.22 – Released 15th of July 2024


Changelog for v0.1.21 – Released 21st of June 2024


Changelog for v0.1.20 – Released 10th of June 2024


Changelog for v0.1.19 – Released 8th of June 2024


Changelog for v0.1.18 – Internal build, unreleased to clients, updates carried forward to v0.1.19

Changelog for v0.1.17 – Released 31st of May 2024

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